Top Five Reasons Companies Implement Microsoft Dynamics CRM

Posted on: January 24, 2024 | By: Page Wildridge | Microsoft Dynamics CRM

Microsoft Dynamics CRM is an extremely powerful tool for your business to grow your relationship with your clients and drive sales. In this blog, we will discuss the top five biggest reasons our clients have switched to Microsoft Dynamics CRM. While our five reasons may seem simple, it is amazing what these features can do for your company.

1. Organization of your Account and Contact Information

While some may underestimate their CRM system to say it is just a “glorified Rolodex,” it is incredible what this modern Rolodex can do! Microsoft Dynamics CRM allows you to keep all of your company information in a singular place that is accessible throughout your entire organization. The unified system is a spot for your team to keep track of everything- including current clients, prospects, and leads. There is a tremendous value in having a single repository for all account and contact information for customers and prospects.

2. Single Source of Truth for Client Information

Instead of navigating through multiple spreadsheets and your entire inbox to find the information you have on a potential lead, Microsoft Dynamics CRM provides you with a single spot to keep track of all your info. The software will keep track of each interaction. This can help remind you that you missed a follow-up email a few weeks ago, and are due to send a response!

3. Pipeline Tracking

When companies are not on top of their pipeline, sales opportunities can slip through the cracks. Things can come up with your business, whether it’s a busy week or an exciting new client, resulting in your business losing out in other areas. Microsoft Dynamics CRM provides you with a dashboard to view all your information and the status of each sale. You can utilize this dashboard to track your sales pipeline to close all your sales and maintain a strong relationship with your clients.

4. Activity Tracking

It is easy to track your information in your Outlook, thinking that you’ll be able to come back to your work sometime in the future. However, by keeping everything in your personal inbox and calendar, there is no way to stay on top of your to-do list. By syncing Microsoft Dynamics CRM and your inbox, you can ensure you remain on top of all your tasks- especially if the next step to closing a sale takes place a few months after the first. Automation can also be utilized to create activities for you based upon responses from clients to help you remain on task.

5. Collaboration

Sharing information throughout your company is a vital part of keeping your business strong. Without a CRM, it is easy for your team members to work individually, instead of as a cohesive unit. Companies work better when everyone is working towards the same goal together. By keeping track of your information within Microsoft Dynamics CRM, you can work with your team members to close deals and drive sales.

Next Steps

While our top five features may seem basic, these small steps can help your company thrive. If you are interested in finding out more about what Microsoft Dynamics CRM can do for your business and your team, contact Logan Consulting today to speak to an expert.