Relational Tables in Dynamics 365 Sales 

Posted on: March 14, 2024 | By: Page Wildridge | Microsoft Dynamics CRM

Dynamics 365 Sales is a powerful customer relationship management (CRM) tool that helps businesses manage their sales processes efficiently. One of the key features that sets Dynamics 365 Sales apart is its use of relational tables to store and manage data. Relational tables are a fundamental concept in database management. Understanding how they work in Dynamics 365 Sales can greatly enhance your ability to utilize the platform effectively. 

What are Relational Tables? 

Relational tables are a way of organizing data in a database that allows users to reference data from one object to another. The relationship between tables is established through keys, which are unique identifiers that link records in different tables together. An example of this might be the CRM for an apartment complex that houses three objects: Cases, Residents, and Units. You can tie multiple Residents to Units since the resident frequently changes. However, you can also tie multiple Units to a Resident if a resident moves from one unit to another. In the same example, you can tie cases directly to the Unit, Resident, or both; the unique advantage is that anyone with access to the Unit or Resident object can see any Cases associated with either object. 

In Dynamics 365 Sales, relational tables are used to store a wide range of information. This info is related to sales processes, including customer data, sales opportunities, quotes, orders, and invoices. By organizing data into relational tables, Dynamics 365 Sales allows businesses to easily retrieve, update, and analyze information, helping them make more informed decisions and improve their sales performance. 

Understanding Relationships in Dynamics 365 Sales 

In Dynamics 365 Sales, relationships between tables are established using two types of keys: primary keys and foreign keys. A primary key is a unique identifier for each record in a table. A foreign key is a field in one table that refers to the primary key in another table. To link this back to our previous example, this might include a Unit referencing the First Name and Last Name of a Resident. In this instance, the First Name and Last Name are primary keys in the Resident object, while they are the foreign key in the Unit object. For example, it might look something like this: 


In Summary

In summary, relational tables are a fundamental concept in Dynamics 365 Sales. They play a crucial role in organizing and managing data related to sales processes. By understanding how relational tables work and following best practices for working with them, you can make the most of Dynamics 365 Sales and drive success in your sales efforts. 

Next Steps

Logan Consulting, a proud Microsoft partner, is committed to ensuring our clients harness the full power of their CRM software. Contact us today to speak to an expert about what Dynamics Sales can do for your business.