Managing Inventory With Intacct

Posted on: December 8, 2014 | By: Craig Thompson | Intacct

When it comes to managing inventory it is often times hard to find the perfect balance between too much or too little stock on the shelves. Inventory can be such a rapidly moving target, with added complications when there are multiple warehouses and different units of measure involved.  Luckily, Intacct features an intelligent inventory management suite, conveniently located in the cloud.

There are a lot of great elements of Intacct’s inventory management suite that will allow you to easily track, value and manage your stock with complete accuracy each time.  Standard templates are used for adjustments, transfers, damaged goods, scrap, and more, with the flexibility to create your own templates that fit your organization best.  Comprehensive reporting will help you see across locations, products and inventory status, allowing you to make smarter decisions to optimize inventory and set efficient reorder points and quantities.  Also, with access to real-time collaboration with sales, finance, operations and logistics teams you can manage inventory across multiple locations and product lines with ease.

Some key benefits of Intacct’s inventory management suite include:

·         Cut costs by configuring warehouse operations to fit your business

·         Improve customer satisfaction by reducing stock-outs.

·         Balance service levels with stocking levels

·         Increase on-time, error-free deliveries.

With Intacct’s inventory management suite in the cloud, you can use capital more efficiently and optimize your stock levels, keeping you and your customers happy. Inventory Management it just one of the dozens of suites that Intacct offers that will help your company achieve its best.