How to Become a More Effective Manager

Posted on: September 26, 2017 | By: Craig Thompson | Logan Consulting News

It’s true that managers don’t have all the answers. But with the right management style you can become a more effective leader that your entire company will look up to! Read on for more tips on management to success.


Getting to know your Employees- in the office!

Remember that holiday party where everyone had a glass of bubbly in hand and bonded over their families, pets, and favorite sports teams? Don’t get me wrong this type of work event is super fun, and it’s a great way to bond outside of working hours and become more comfortable with each other. Where this can become an issue is when your manager/employee relationship becomes strictly social and less about your work. Making sure employees have a voice and feel like they’re being listened to in the workplace is a main priority. Many employees that feel like they aren’t making a difference leave their jobs in search of that fulfillment.

Constructive Feedback

Employees want to know how they’re progressing and what they need to improve on. Telling employees when they make mistakes is a good thing! Obviously, wording this in a way that is encouraging rather than discouraging is ideal to keep their spirits up and work ethic high. Keeping feedback specific allows employees to make changes that’ll produce more accurate results and benefit both of you!

Listening to Long-Term Employees

Watching your company hire new people while blocking out the opinions of the old hires is disheartening. While expanding your company and bringing in brilliant new minds is a fantastic way to maximize growth within, you want to make sure everyone feels included. Showing your new and old employees that you want them to voice their opinions is essential. This eliminates any tension from happening between these newbies and oldies as well.


Don’t just throw another office party this Friday at lunch, schedule those one-on-one meetings with employees to discuss their progress and receive feedback for yourself as a leader!