Dynamics GP – Reconcile Employee Records

Posted on: August 15, 2017 | By: Jim Bertler | Microsoft Dynamics GP

 Authored by: Brent Stabiner

The payroll reconciling process in GP checks for discrepancies in employee financial information and checks for differences between detail records and summary records. Comparing the detail and summary amounts can help verify the accuracy of entries when setting up Payroll for the first time—or any time the employee financial fields are input or changed.


Use the Reconcile Employee Information window to compare information shown in the Employee Summary window and the Employee Tips Summary window, if applicable, to the detail information shown in the Employee Pay Code Summary and the Employee Deduction Summary windows for the selected range of employees.


To reconcile employee records:

  1. Navigate to HR & Payroll – Utilities – Payroll – Reconcile

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2.  Choose whether to reconcile calendar year or fiscal year information, then select the year you will be reconciling your records or printing a Reconcile Error report for.

3.  Mark any of these options.

  • Print Report: Mark this option to print a Reconcile Error report based on the selected records.

  • Reconcile: Mark this option to reconcile your employee information. If this option is not marked and you choose Process, Payroll will not perform the reconcile process based on the selected records.

4.  If employee onboarding workflow or employee personnel maintenance workflow is activated, select the type of information to reconcile. The list isn’t available if neither workflow type is activated.

5.  Select a range of employee IDs to reconcile. If you don’t enter a range, all employee records will be reconciled.

6.  Choose Insert to insert the range.


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7.  Choose Process to compare your employee summary and detail financial information or print the Payroll Reconcile Error Report, depending on your selections in this window. If you’ve marked both Reconcile and Print Report, the report is printed before information is reconciled. This report will display the amounts for the employees whose detail records don’t match the summary records. After employee records have been reconciled, the values on the summary windows will be adjusted based on the transaction details of the employees.


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 For further insight on Microsoft Dynamics GP installation and implementation contact Logan Consulting your Microsoft Dynamics GP Partner of Chicago.