How to Create a Production BOM in Business Central

Posted on: February 7, 2022 | By: Jim Bertler | Microsoft Dynamics Business Central

A production bill of material, also known as a BOM, is one of the most important components of production operations. The BOM outlines the individual parts that make up the final product and helps manufacturers correctly assemble massive amounts of the final product through having precise inventory control by relying on BOMs. 

Steps for Creating a Production BOM

Business Central aids manufacturers in creating and utilizing BOMs. Here is a step-by-step walkthrough on how to create a production BOM in the ERP:

  1. Search for Production BOM and select the corresponding result
  2. Select New
  3. Enter relevant information to the fields displayed.
  4. Once the desired fields are filled out, the BOM needs to be edited so set the Status field to New or Under Development.
  5. Specify whether the item on each BOM line is an ordinary item or a production BOM in the Type field.
  6. In the No. field, search for the particular item or production BOM and select it.
  7. Specify the number of units needed for the item to produce the final product and type this value into the Quantity Per field.
  8. You have the option to specify the percentage of components that will be discarded during production in the Scrap field.
  9. To connect the component to a specific operation, enter in the proper information to the Routing Link Code field.
  10.  You can copy lines from an existing production BOM using the Copy BOM action.
  11. Once these steps are completed, you can set the Status field to Certified. The new production BOM is now ready to be attached to the parent item it corresponds to.

For more detailed information on setting up production BOMs, check out Microsoft’s walkthrough here.

Next Steps

Business Central can help manufacturers make their daily operations more efficient and profitable through the utilization of their comprehensive modules. To learn more about how Business Central can benefit your company, contact an expert at Logan Consulting today.