Why it’s Time to Invest in a Cloud Based ERP System

Posted on: March 13, 2017 | By: Craig Thompson | Acumatica

Change is a daunting word to businesses that pride themselves in scheduled routines. Although it can seem like more work than it is worth, Cloud Based ERP systems like Acumatica are now more popular than ever. There is a reason that cloud based storage has become one of the fastest growing applications within the IT industry. A system like Acumatica gives you the boost to rise above the competition rather than slip behind competitors that are increasing their work efficiency with new cloud based ERP systems. Switching your business to a cloud based service reduces overall costs, increases productivity, and improves disaster recovery.

cloud based erp solution


Usage Based Pricing

An overwhelming aspect in making the switch to an ERP solution is the fear that your business won’t be able to afford the necessities that a new solution brings. Unlike many ERP systems, Acumatica does not base pricing off the number of users in the system. Rather, pricing is quoted based on the amount of time spent using the software. With this pricing model employees, all have access to the ERP system and can collaborate between departments with ease. A usage based pricing model eliminates compiling costs that would be added from additional users in the ERP software. In the end your business is saving money by simplifying integration of business processes.

Increase Productivity

With a system like Acumatica employees can automate tasks that were once done manually. Time once spent doubling checking manual entries can now be allocated towards making important business decisions. Along with this capability employees will no longer have to bounce between systems when interpreting data and analytics. A cloud based ERP system improves usability to eliminate time wasted comparing data from multiple sources. This simplification done in ERP cloud based solutions saves everyone in the business time they were once putting towards human error risk management.

Improve Disaster Recovery

It is any business’s nightmare dealing with lost data from system failures. A cloud based system uses virtualization to bundle data in a single software. Compared to standard disaster recovery approaches, the cloud reduces load time and worry. Data can be transferred from one source to the next without the wait time for information to reload in the new server. The technicalities of a cloud based system are transformative for many businesses.

Don’t let the phrase “cloud based” prohibit your willingness to make the shift to an ERP solution. Cloud based solutions come with so many positive impacts on businesses, it is hard to deny the possibilities an ERP system can bring to your industry. Upon switching to a new ERP solution it is important to provide management and employees with the necessary tools to success. For product advice, implementation assistance, and more ERP inquires contact Logan Consulting, your Chicago, Milwaukee, and Indianapolis based Gold partner.