Part 7: 3 Questions Manufacturers need to ask before selecting a new ERP system

Posted on: May 21, 2020 | By: Guy Logan | Microsoft Dynamics Business Central

3 Questions to ask before selecting a new ERP system 

Welcome to our series, “Questions manufacturers need to ask before selecting a new ERP System”. This week we are focusing on these 3 questions which will help manufacturers choose the most valuable ERP system. Do you want standard or configured products? Do you have a dedicated core team support? And, do you use outside or subcontract vendors?

Standard or configured products?

Does your engineering and customer service team require the ability to configure custom products with a unique bill of materials when customers place orders? If so, your system will need to be able to move the configuration from sales order all the way through the manufacturing process including robust bill of material functionality.

 Dedicated core team support?

ERP implementations have many moving parts. There are many work streams, departments and decisions to be made. Therefore, a defined internal Core Team that represents all departments is critical to your success. Each major functional area will need to be represented by someone who understands business process and your internal issues. Again, finding people willing to embrace change will be key.

 Do you use outside or subcontract vendors?

Some manufacturers need to send inventory to outside vendors for value-added processing. Therefore, sub-contract purchase orders and processing will be critical. Your ERP solution will need to be able to handle this requirement from both an inventory tracking and a costing and accounting perspective.

These are three questions Logan Consulting believes manufacturers need to ask before selecting an ERP system. If you want to learn more about selecting an ERP system for a manufacturing company download our whitepaper “24 Questions Manufacturers Need to Ask Before Selecting a New ERP System” or feel free to contact Logan Consulting.

Logan Consulting is a Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central partner with clients throughout the US with a concentration in Chicago, Milwaukee and Indianapolis.