What’s New in Microsoft Dynamics GP Coming in October 2020?

Posted on: August 11, 2020 | By: Guy Logan | Microsoft Dynamics GP

With the continuous advances in technology, systems like Dynamics GP are constantly changing to create the most innovative solution for its users. In a recent announcement, Microsoft revealed that they have scheduled a new release of Microsoft Dynamics GP. In October 2020, Microsoft Dynamics GP will be upgraded to a new version called Dynamics GP 18.3.

In this upgraded version of Dynamics GP, there are numerous exciting new features that aim to improve the customer experience. In this blog post, we’ll be giving you an early preview of what’s to come in this newest version and what we’re most looking forward to seeing.


The Best New Features You Should Look Forward To

  1. To meet the new Non-Employee Compensation reporting requirements, Microsoft will be including the 1099-NEC form as a part of Microsoft Dynamics GP. This will help to ease the hassle of separate operations and form processes for your company when using outside contractors. 
  2. This upgraded version of Dynamics GP will also maximize all GP reports on “Print to Screen”, meaning you won’t have to resize the window. Microsoft has also added the ability to disable the system print dialog box whenever you’re printing a Word template. 
  3. Last year, Microsoft added a longer and second description option on its Payables Invoices. In this year’s new update, two additional User Defined Fields will be available for use on the Payables Transactions. A new User Defined Field will also be available in GL Entries for more reporting. Reports and invoices can now have better, more in-depth details without worry of running out of space.
  4. While running the Reconcile GL option in the upcoming version of Microsoft Dynamics GP, you will now be able to reconcile all years selected at once rather than one at a time. This will help you save time and resources, making your company more efficient one step at a time. 
  5. There are more and more businesses using a name that is different from the owner’s name or its legal name. The newest version of Dynamics GP will now add a DBA (Doing Business As) Name Field on the Vendor Card and 1099 form updates. 
  6. Being able to use the Copy and Paste functionality in GL entries has been crucial to maintaining efficiency and reducing human error. Microsoft Dynamics GP has added this functionality to Payables Invoices in its upcoming newest version. 
  7. Data privacy and security is more important now than ever. In this new update, Microsoft has added an option to mask your social security number on any HR reports. 

*Note: Dynamics GP 2015 will be receiving no further updates from Microsoft. If you are using any version below GP 2015, your mainstream support has ended. If you are using Dynamics GP 2010 or earlier, the extended support date will pass this October 2020 and you should look into upgrading ASAP.*


Next Steps

These are just a few of the great new features in Microsoft Dynamics GP that we’re most excited for. Logan Consulting, based in Chicago, works with clients across the nation to ensure they have the best user experience. We can help you implement and take full advantage of technology’s newest updates. Talk to us today to learn more about what we can do for you.