Deactivate System Views to Stay Organized and Efficient in Dynamics 365

Posted on: December 23, 2016 | By: Craig Thompson | Microsoft Dynamics CRM

Authored by: John Hinchy

Similar to dashboards, Dynamics 365 comes built in with a good amount of useful Active views. Often times people have a few key views that they use, and do not need the extra out-of-the-box views that show up standard. Deactivating the unused views is an easy way to keep your system organized and uncluttered. Once you deactivate a view, it is also an easy process to re-activate it and make it viewable and usable again.

As shown above, the Accounts System View dropdown comes with at least 10 views preloaded. Some of these include ‘Accounts: Responded to Campaigns in Last 6 Months’ and ‘Accounts: Influenced Deals That We Won.’ Some of these views may not apply in certain organizations. For example, if your organization does not use campaigns then this view would just be clutter and extra space taken up which can be confusing to users.

Additionally, when users create personal views, they are defaulted to the Personal View section which is at the bottom of the dropdown list. Because personal views are customized to the needs of the user, these are generally going to be used more, so navigating down to the bottom of a long list is not ideal. By deactivating views, you can have a more organized list and more easily get to the data you want and need to see.

To deactivate your unused views, first pull up the Default Solution by navigating to Settings –> Customization –> Customize the System.

Then open the entity in which you want to deactivate views, and click on the views section.

Now you will want to change your ‘View’ dropdown to Active Public Views. This is the list of views that everyone can see and that you want to remove from the dropdown on the main page. Select the view you wish to deactivate. Note – You can only deactivate one view at a time. Here I have selected ‘Accounts I follow’ to deactivate. If you use the follow functionality to follow key accounts this view could be useful, but in our experience this is not widely used and thus does not serve a purpose as an active public view.

You will next click on the ‘More Actions’ dropdown and simply click deactivate. Then ‘Publish All Customizations’ and your view will no longer be there. In the image you can see the Activate button is above Deactivate, and you can re-enable this view at any time if needed.

Now on the main system view dropdown ‘Accounts I follow’ is no longer listed.

If you think that a CRM system is your next best step for your business, contact Logan Consulting your Microsoft Dynamics CRM partner of Chicago.