How to Manage Changing Security Needs With Microsoft D365

Posted on: February 24, 2021 | By: Jarrod Kraemer | Microsoft Dynamics AX/365, Microsoft Dynamics Manufacturing

Given its increasing reliance on connected products, the manufacturing industry is particularly vulnerable to cyber security threats. By using automatic control features which track user activity, you can increase the traceability of your system’s security changes. Further, IT professionals can process modifying access requests easily while matching security roles for the recorded working process. Any missing terms of access within user privileges can be easily tracked. By ensuring the security of sensitive information while staying up-to-date with dynamic security needs, you can protect your cyber environment.

Most Common Cyber Security Threats to Manufacturers

  1. Identity Theft
  2. Phishing
  3. Spear Phishing
  4. Spam
  5. Compromised Webpages


With D365, IT professionals can use security permissions to control access to individual elements of the program: menus, menu items, command buttons, reports, service operations, and web URL menu items. Authorization is the control of access to Finance and Operations applications and to elements of the program. When you assign duties and privileges to those roles, the authorization subsystem detects the access at run time, when that entry point is accessed, and applies the specified level of access to the securable object that the entry point leads to. This functionality ensures that there is no over-permissioning, and that the developer gets the intended access.  

Security Roles 

Use the D365 admin center to create user accounts for every user who needs access to appsThen, in addition to registration with the online service, the user account must be assigned a license for the user to have access to the service. With security roles, you can control a user’s access to data through a set of access levels and permissions. The combination of access levels and permissions that are included in a specific security role sets limits on the user’s view of data and on the user’s interactions with that data. With two new features which make the security architecture easier to understand– the security diagnostic and security configuration tools, you can control access to data.

Next Steps

If you are interested in learning more about cyber security and/or maximizing the use of Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Supply Chain Management contact us here to find out how we can help you grow your business.  You can also email us at or call (312) 345-8817.