How to Encourage Expansion Without Hiring

Posted on: September 4, 2014 | By: Craig Thompson | Intacct

As your company continues to grow, external growth is truly an evident sign of success. Yet, as your company expands outward, do you need your business to continue expanding internally as well? As your company continues to grow it may be time to start valuing quality or quantity, meaning that hiring more employees may actually end up being counterproductive to enabling your small or midsize business’s success.                                                                                                                                                                                               

A larger staff creates the complexity of a greater amount of people to manage, detracting from helping customers and expanding your company in more beneficial ways. Also, you cannot forget the fact that more people in the end will result in entirely more overhead. Still, if your company is rapidly expanding, what other solution can there be other than hiring more staff to help with new complexities?               

As your business grows, Intacct is your complete answer to expansion.  Intacct can help your company efficiently manage growth by automating manual financial processes and eliminating the need for adding additional lower-level accounting staff.  Intacct can also help lower the amount of new hires in the IT department because with cloud financials you will no longer need a dedicated staff to support your accounting systems. With fewer new hires, and an innovative cloud accounting software, your company can manage growth without adding higher complexities and costs.                                                                          

Your company’s expansion is a clear sign of success, managing expansion should not be more complex than it needs to be. Intacct can benefit your company by adding security and accuracy without adding extra overhead and complication.