Cash Flow Projections with QAD's Enterprise Applications

Posted on: March 29, 2010 | By: SuperUser Account | QAD Financials

Cash Flow Porjections require a view of the sources and uses of cash. In QAD’s Enterprise Applications: Standard Edition, you can uses the 31.8 Cash Flow Projecion Report to give you good solid information. The report cash be run to display data in daily, weekly, and monthly buckets.

Sources of cash on this report include data from open accounts receivable and open sales orders. Invoice due dates on open accounts receivable are used. For Sales Orders, the expected cash flow date, is the order due date plus the credit terms. The report will handle multple dating terms.

For uses of cash, the report will obtain data from the accounts payable and purchase order tables. The voucher due date, calclated from the supplier invoice date plus the payment terms is used on the report. The purchase order due date plus the credit terms is used for the expected cash flow date.

Accurate dates on orders are critical to providing a reliable report. Order dues dates are critiacal for both accurate cash flow projection and accurate MRP calculations. Understand your business order window. How releaiable is the order data one week out versus one month versus ninety days? Your business order window will have impact on the relaiblity of the report the farther out in the future you project.

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