Promoting a Positive Company Culture in the Workplace

Posted on: April 25, 2018 | By: Craig Thompson | Logan Consulting News

A healthy workplace environment is enriched in feelings of unity and satisfaction. It has been proven that happy workers really are more productive! Company culture improvement isn’t going to happen overnight, but here are a few techniques your organization can use to improve culture.


Communication techniques

When conveying a message or tone it is first important to decide the appropriate platform for communication. If your message is more serious, an in-person delivery can prevent panic or misinterpretation from occurring. Consistency is also an extremely important aspect to communication throughout any business. Avoid contradicting statements and tones to ensure employees are fully understanding what is being asked of them.


Lose the “figure it out” mentality

While creative problem solving is beneficial for anyone, leaving employees in the dark has shown to cause frustration rather than innovation. Of course, new employees will need more direction than the veterans of the company. But adjusting your approach and guidelines based on everyone’s role and time with the company can go a long way. Leaving newbies to fend for themselves leads to feelings of isolation that could increase turnover rates in your business.


Learn from mistakes

As John Powell once said, “The only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing.” When employees, even managers, in an organization mess up what’s important is to tell them not how bad their mistake was, but to tell them how to learn from their mishap. Especially if this employee is usually on their A-game, give them some words of encouragement like, “I know you’ll improve next time, you’ve always been a quick learner.” When dealing with employees that repeatedly are messing up and not taking responsibility for their actions a different strategy might need to be deployed.


Lead by example

A company rooted in a positive culture starts with management. No one is perfect, and even employees understand that leaders make mistakes too. Leaders are the ones responsible for harvesting a positive company culture by their actions and management style. If your leader is rude, selfish, and constantly screaming why would employees feel obligated to go the extra step for them?