Implementing Segregation of Duties with QAD’s Adaptive ERP

Posted on: January 22, 2020 | By: Guy Logan | QAD Business Process

Under the Sarbanes Oxley Act of 2002, publicly traded companies must safeguard investors from the possibility of fraudulent accounting activities done by corporations. This is accomplished through the segregation of duties (SOD). SOD is an internal control designed to prevent error and fraud by ensuring that at least two individuals are responsible for separate tasks within a business process. While SOD was introduced to improve security, it can add overhead costs to your organization. SOD is only applied when necessary— to the most vulnerable business processes. But SOD does not have to be a hinderance to your organization; the segregation of duties solution embedded within QAD’s Adaptive ERP helps companies remain productive while operating within the law.  

Read the rest of our article on the segregation of duties here.