Creating a Microsoft Dynamics AX Play Environment in Azure

Posted on: August 24, 2016 | By: Jarrod Kraemer | Microsoft Dynamics AX/365

Authored by: Michael Row

Having a “Play Environment” to show end users the features of the New Microsoft Dynamics AX is always great to show them the enhancements of AX. Microsoft Dynamics AX deployed from Azure makes it simple to login and demonstrate the capabilities of Dynamics AX.

You will first need to sign in to Microsoft Lifecycle Services. You will also need an Azure subscription.

After signed in create a new project by clicking the +.

Choose the purpose of the project. In this case Migrate, create solutions, and learn Dynamics AX.

When creating a project, enter the name. The description is optional. Choose an industry and methodology from the corresponding drop-down menus. Click create.

When the project has been created it will open complete with useful information about getting started with Dynamics AX.

Scroll over to the Environments section. Click Microsoft Azure settings to add a connector.

In the Azure Connectors Click Add to add the connector.



Enter the name and Azure subscription ID.

In the Microsoft Azure setup download the Management Certificate. Save a local copy of the certificate to upload to Azure.

Open the Microsoft Azure Portal from the Azure connectors (I cancelled out of the Azure setup after the Cert was downloaded). In the Azure settings upload the Management Certificate.

Browse for the Certificate you have downloaded.

After you have uploaded you should be able to see the Certificate in the Management Certificates.

After the Certificate has been uploaded click Next.

If the Certificate has not been uploaded you will receive and error like this.

If the certificate has been uploaded you can then choose your Azure region.


Scroll to the right to Environments and click the + to add a new environment.


Select environment topology will open. Choose Azure to deploy your environment.

Click on the Demo environment as the topology to deploy.



Choose the version to deploy.

Enter a name for your environment and agree to the pricing & licensing terms. You can also choose the size for your deployment. Check the Azure price list to see the cost per hour by tier. Click Next.

The status of Dynamics AX should then be in the queued stage.

In all it took about 2 ½ hours to deploy. Once the environment has been deployed navigate to the upper right hand corner to Login. Choose Log on to Dynamics AX.

Your new Demo Environment opens.




 For additional information please feel free to reach out to us at or (312) 345-8817. 

All the best!

Logan Consulting