How To: Multi-Currency Features in Microsoft Dynamics GP

Posted on: December 16, 2015 | By: Craig Thompson | Microsoft Dynamics GP

Doing business on a global level is an incredible accomplishment, yet with global transactions comes the added complexity of global currencies. A company doing business in multiple currencies faces tracking issues, exchange rate fluctuations and more. Luckily, Microsoft Dynamics GP includes a surplus of features created to increase efficiency and reduce headaches when it comes to managing multiple currencies within your business.

With multi-currency manager in Microsoft Dynamics GP, you have the ability to revalue general ledger accounts as well as sales and purchasing transactions, compare current and historic years, and increase visibility into global transactions. With an unlimited amount of currency rate types and exchange tables, the possibilities of expansion are endless. For more information on Microsoft Dynamics GP multi-currency features, contact Logan Consulting, your Chicago based Microsoft Dynamics GP partner,