3 QAD Implementation Mistakes to Avoid

Posted on: September 1, 2016 | By: Craig Thompson | QAD Business Process

So you've decided to implement QAD's powerful ERP system into your business, congratulations! Now the next big step is finding a quality ERP partner that you can count on and getting your project up and running. While we all expect our projects to run smoothly, this isn't often the case. So what commonly made implementation mistakes can you avoid to be sure that your QAD Implementation runs smoothly the first time around? Luckily, Logan Consulting, your Chicago based QAD Partner of the Year is experienced in helping businesses like your own get your QAD ERP implementation projects done right. Read on for 3 of the most common implementation mistakes that you should avoid in your QAD implementation project.

Underestimating Required Resources

There is nothing worse than getting deep into an implementation project and realizing that you didn’t allocate enough of a budget for your anticipated customizations, training or updates and having to stop half way or continue on only giving 50%. Before you commit to a large scale project, it's important to first do your research and understand what exactly a well done implementation project will cost – just budgeting for the cost of your software isn't going to cut it. In order to give each stage of your project equal and total attention, Logan Consulting recommends implementing your project in phases so that you can be certain that every step of your project is being completed to the best of your ability and will have the highest probability of success.

Failing to Stress Test Your Project

Stress testing is one of the most crucial steps in any successful ERP implementation project. Better discover whether or not the system is actually meeting your needs and producing the results you require right off the bat than down the road once it's already gone live. By testing your system before you put it into motion you can much more effectively realize what functions you may be missing or what may not be completely accepted by your users giving you the ability to stop potential stressors before they occur.

Lack of Training

A tool is only as useful as the person controlling it. That being said, there's no point in going live on a project if your employees aren't aware of how to fully use this system to its capacity. In order to limit frustrations and maximize your results, making certain that you are properly training your systems users is crucial. This step is often seen as something that businesses can overlook, however by training your users the first time around, you are saving your organization time and money in the long run that certainly makes the cost of training worth it. 
Logan Consulting is dedicated to helping businesses maximize their QAD project results to the fullest and have the results to prove it. If you are thinking about implementing QAD into your organization, contact us here to set up a consultation to help determine if QAD is your best fit.