Read the Minds of Your Customers with Microsoft Dynamics CRM

Posted on: October 29, 2015 | By: Craig Thompson | Microsoft Dynamics CRM

Have you ever passed on a restaurant because they were under 3 stars on Yelp? Or how about turning down a hotel choice for vacation because one review steered you straight away? Social media and review sites are constant drivers (or deterrents) for business, and need to be treated this way. Microsoft Dynamics CRM makes social engagement easy and exiting with their innovative social analytical capabilities.  

With Microsoft Dynamics CRM you can track social media engagement quickly and easily. One feature I really enjoy in this application is the ability to visually see the ratio of “good press” to “bad press” within all social media platforms. You have the ability to see who posts what about your company and who is your company's top social media contributors. By harnessing this data you have the power to hone in and publish good behaviors while finding ways to address the negative. With Microsoft Dynamics CRM there is no longer any guessing.

If you are interested in this product and would like more information, contact Logan Consulting, your Chicago based Microsoft Dynamics Partners.