Dynamics 365 2021 Release Wave 2: Finance

Posted on: December 22, 2021 | By: Jim Bertler | Microsoft Dynamics CRM

Microsoft is currently in the midst of releasing wave 2 for Dynamics 365, with new features coming out from October 2021 until March 2022. One area in particular that is introducing a lot of new tools is Dynamics 365 Finance. 

Dynamics 365 Finance empowers companies to monitor financial performance in real time and use accurate data to make informed decisions that cultivate efficiency and growth. Comprehensive financial management is the key to managing a successful organization, so companies require modern applications that can match up with the state of the global economy. Microsoft understand this and has made the focus of the 2021 release wave 2 for finances be integrating data-driven financial insights into every aspect of Dynamics 365 through the introduction of Finance Insights. 

Finance Insights is designed to help companies in their digital transformation by incorporating the power of AI into financial management. Leveraging AI in this area will help users make decisions more quickly and reduce risk. Finance Insights includes the capability to predict when customers will likely pay outstanding balances and to forecast the organization’s cash flow and bank balance. 

Next Steps

If you would like to learn more about what Finance Insights has to offer users in Microsoft’s release wave 2, contact an expert at Logan Consulting today!