Browse Maintenance enhancements in QAD 2008.1

Posted on: February 4, 2010 | By: SuperUser Account | QAD Business Process

Browse Maintenance has received a massive overhaul for the latest version of QAD. Creating, Modifying, and even moving browses between environments is much easier to do. Browse Maintenance now much more closely resembles other visual query tools such as MS Access where all you need to do is add tables and drag and drop fields to create relationships.

Moving browses between environments has also seen some major improvements. In the action bar at the top of Browse Maintenance, you can now export your browse into a static file on your local PC. Then, simply log into the new environment and import the browse from the file.

These changes mean managing browses are now something that anyone in IT (not just progress programmers) and even select power users can perform. This allows your users to get faster access to the data they want without waiting on costly programmer time to develop.